Sunday, March 21, 2010


It is very important to recognize the surroundings of one’s business because gaining that knowledge can aide to their success. Mahal understands this concept; therefore we have provided a SWOT analysis to illustrate our strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats.

The strength of Mahal is their fragrance, the price, and the company image. The fragrance is a delightful mixture of flowers that has a soft touch with a bold aroma. By producing Mahal this way, it will aide to its long lasting scent. Women will experience the final touch of being loved as long as they would like. The other strength of Mahal is our price. Mahal is coming into 2011 as a new fragrance. The best strategy is to use status quo pricing. Status quo pricing basically means using the going rate pricing. “meeting the competition may be the safest route to long-term survival” (MKTG3, McDaniel Lamb Hair, Ch 18, pg 280). We will be starting as a small business, so simplicity is an advantage. Mahal’s image is another strength because a business “must make a positive impression on and be desirable to targeted market” (MTKG3, McDaniel Lamb Hair, Ch 15, pg 230). By understanding this concept, Mahal is concentrating on a women’s natural beauty. We are stating that all women are desirable and Mahal is to enhance their authentic self. We do not believe that you are in need to be beautiful, so buy our product. We want to convey a positive meaning of beauty. You are already
beautiful; compliment your self-worth with Mahal.

The weaknesses of Mahal are our financial resources and employee capabilities. Mahal is coming into 2011 as a new business. Therefore, our financial resources are very limited. Finances are tight right now due to Mahal building its roots in the perfume business and producing their products at the same time. The lack of employee capabilities is also a weakness. Mahal is a small business with an undersized amount of employees. We perform with excellence; however we could use more employees to achieve more work. We look forward to to gaining more employees as time and our company progress.

Mahal has a great opportunity to aide in the confidence-building programs and promote all definitions of beauty. Our company operates under its slogan “the final touch of being loved”. The slogan entails that women already have the ability and the qualities of being loved, desired, and beautiful. Mahal is just the final touch to compliment and strengthen the women’s persona. We would love to work side by side with DOVE’s Campaign for Real Beauty. DOVE’s mission is “to make more women feel beautiful every day by widening stereotypical views of beauty” (DOVE Campaign for Real Beauty,[cp-documentid=7049726]). Mahal and Dove have very similar beliefs about beauty, and share the same goals on how to aide in the confidence-building programs. According to Dove’s website, “81% of women in the US strongly agree that ‘the media and the advertising set an unrealistic standard of beauty that most women can’t ever achieve’” (DOVE Campaign for Real Beauty,[cp-documentid=7049726]). Understanding this statistic Mahal will be “developing a single product for all markets and promoting it the same way all over the world” (MKTG3, McDaniel Lamb Hair, Ch 4, pg 58), also known as global marketing standardization. Mahal will be using real women in all shapes and sizes, not just the coke bottle shaped bodies, to promote our fragrance. Using this tactic will transform people’s view of the media’s definition of beauty.

The threats of Mahal will be its competitors. Marc Jacobs’ Lola, Kim Kardashian’s Kim Kardashian, and Clinque’s Happy are Mahal’s top three competitors. All three have been in the fragrance business for some time and are all well-known across the world. Being so popular Mahal will have a rough time competing. However, Mahal is dedicated to work hard to be at the same level as these famous fragrances.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great example of a SWOT Analysis . All of the information contained in a swot analysis is important in helping a business position themselves in relation to competitors and understand the market they are entering.
