Thursday, February 25, 2010


A man spots a woman across the room. She is an average woman, pretty but not overly gorgeous. But there is something about her that he is attracted to. He walks over to her, wondering what it is about her that he cannot stop wanting. He is right in front of her now, and brushes her hair behind her ear. As he leans over to whisper something, he smells a beautiful floral scent coming from her neck. He is stunned and becomes speechless. He does not know what to do, but to just stare into her eyes.

Scent is a very powerful sense and has the ability to make people irresistible and memorable. Some women wear perfume to smell good, but most women wears perfume to lure people to them. This is why women cannot resist on buying perfume that enhance who they are. It is the “closer” or the “cherry on top” to help make them feel attractive and beautiful, and make the men feel interested and aroused.

My perfume will do exactly that, men will be aroused from the scent and women will feel desired and loved. The perfume is called Mahal. Mahal is the Tagalog word (the “Filipino” language) for Love. Mahal is a mixture of cherry blossom, lavender, and jasmine. It is a very delicate but bold floral perfume. All women should own it, and will desire it, why? Because Mahal will not only compliment a woman’s being but also enhance who they are. It will aide them to be irresistible and unforgettable.

Mahal perfume, the final touch of being loved.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


When I go out, I usually do not order soup. But when I go to Jason’s Deli, I always order the broccoli and cheese soup. I love this soup because of a specific reason. The reason is because when I was a little girl I loved broccoli but I would only eat it with cheese. To this day, I am the same way. I believe it may be engraved in my head that when I see broccoli, I need cheese.

In my opinion Campbell should start making Champorado, a Filipino porridge. Campbell usually sells soups, but I think they should branch out and make some porridge. Champorado is a basically made out of chocolate, rice, and sweet condensed milk. It is a very popular porridge in the Filipino culture. I remember when I was a child, instead of my grandma making me soup, she would make me Champorado. A comforting, hot, sweet, chocolaty bowl of Champorado always made my breakfast, lunch, or dinner so special. Its every child’s dream to have a meal with chocolate in it. I think once Campbell grasps this idea, it will spread not only to the Filipino society but to all societies.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


The Super Bowl Commercials were hilarious, sentimental, and unique this year. My ultimate favorite commercial is the one where you a woman opening the door inviting her date into her house. She introduces her date to her son, and walks away to finish up getting ready. By the man’s body language, you can tell he thinks he owns the house and can do whatever he wants. He grabs a Doritos and attempts to eat it. The little boy walks up to him, looks at his face and slaps him. The boy told him to keep his hands off of his mom and his Doritos. The funniest commercials are the ones I will always remember. We usually do not get that kind of humor on commercials very often. So when I finally see them it just sticks to me. The little boy loves his Doritos just as much as he loves his mom.

The other commercial I thought was really good was for Budweiser. It started off as a pony and a calf meeting for the first time; and as they grew up their bond became stronger. I personally love this commercial because it was a sweet message, and my dad and I bonded for a bit when we saw this commercial. Granted looking back now, I do not know how exactly the commercial was marketing the brand; maybe it was more directed towards woman. The sweet and touching commercial would quickly evoke most women’s emotions. And in return, the woman would most likely gravitate to buy more Budweiser. It’s not only for manly men, but people who have touching hearts.

Overall the Super Bowl commercials were a success and I was very happy with what I watched. Every commercial targeted a different audience, it made us laugh, and it was very creative. And I am also glad the Saints won.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


The television show Mad Man was really interesting. It was very entertaining and at the same time educational. With every scene and every line they say, I can somehow put it together with what I learned in my Marketing class. I’m really glad that Mr. Pinto showed us this show because it really opened my eyes and helped me understand marketing a bit more. Seeing how marketing is and how it people work in the marketing/ advertising world is different from reading in the book. However, I believe that the humor helped me out to pay attention to the “hidden” educational aspect.


The reason why I watch the Super Bowl is because of its commercials. My favorite ones are the ones that make me laugh. The commercials that are comical are the most memorable. The day after the super bowl, people either talk about the game or the funniest commercial aired. As I searched on YouTube, I found a Budlight commercial ad that I found hilarious! I love how the man in the commercial wanted a free Budlight so bad he would steal it from the bar. Then, 20 more people wanted the same beer. The guy who tried to steal the beer in the beginning, well karma got him in the end. A company with a great sense of humor can go a long way. I love how companies are not afraid to push the buttons to get a quick laugh. I also love how they choose to market themselves with semi-vulgar, comical ways. To me, seeing this commercial I notice how the Budlight company can be laid back, hilarious, and fun people. Which in return, I cannot help but wonder if I drink Budlight, then I will have a laid back, hilarious, and fun experience. With the comical aspects aside, the commercial displays how much people love Budlight. There were two guys originally at the bar, asking for Budlight; then 20 more people came in and they were asking for 20 more beers. This Super Bowl Budlight commercial is by far one of my favorites.